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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Our first open source Premiere Pro CC plugin! - Focus Peaking inside Premiere Pro


I'm proud to announce the build and the development of our first open source Premiere Pro CC compatible plugin that mimics the focus peaking function of the Sony mirrorless cameras.


How to use it?

This is the first version of the plugin, so if I add more options, I will have other blogposts explaining them. But for this version, we have several options, the most important one is the Threshold. This option should be always adjusted according to your clip. The higher the threshold, the more sharper details would be 'peaked'. The next option allows you to change the peak color. The last two options are if you want to have only peaks, meaning that everything else is going to be black, or you want to have only peaks, but everything else to be transparent (alpha) - allowing you to add another clip below, or manipulate the quality of the peaks.

Plugin's interface

How to download and install?

If you are here to just download and try the plugin out, here is a FREE DOWNLOAD!
Click on the DOWNLOAD ALL button which would download both of the files in a zip archive. Than, go to Local Disk C > Program Files > Adobe > Common > Plug-ins > 7.0 (or the version you have there) > MediaCore, extract the two files there and you are done! 

Why would I want to use it?

The most obvious reason is to mimic the effect for storytelling purposes, but also, you can use it to check how sharp is your footage and is the focus in the right place.

Open Source?

Yes, it's an open source and here is the link to the GitHub repository!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'd love to use this amazing plugin. Any chance it works for Mac? It doesn't seem to work for me with Premiere Pro 2025 25.1 on Mac. Any help would be appreciated



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